You Are Invited A Goddess Prayerathon!
You are blessed for attending our Goddess Prayerathon on Saturday January 21st & Sunday January 22nd, 2023 :
A Goddess Prayerathon, Benefiting The Temple of Isis as we raise funds to help cover the costs of the storm damages here at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary!
Go to zoom.us at the scheduled time (PST), click “join a meeting” and enter meeting ID – 7751572844
Goddess Prayerathon : The Weekend Schedule >
Saturday January 21st, 2023
5:00 PM – Blessings of Bridget, her healing goddess power and the eternal flame that we will light as part of the prayer hour. Today is the beginning of the cycle of the Ogham Rowan, taking us to Feb 4 Imbolc as the high fire festival between solstice and equinox. Hosted by Priestess Ann Waters
6:00PM Energy Brass Tracks Mystery Teaching by Priestess Eli Wildcat
7:00PM A Goddess Dance Party, Hosted by Rev. Chaya Korneich
Sunday January 22nd, 2023
5:00 PM Maha Tara, A Guided Journey Through All Her Divine Colors by Rev. Justin Howard
6:00 PM A Prayerful Journey with Priestess Patricia Ballentine
7:00 PM The Blessed Path, A Guided Journey by Priestess Audrey Antley
Greetings Beautiful Beings,
The reason I am writing this letter is that 2023 has started with a big bang literally as most of the small temple roof has fallen in from a brand new leak that developed during the historical 100-year flooding event. As I write this we are seeing even more leaks and water damage located all over the temple grounds. There is a list of water damages below which I will update as we find out about them. Both Governor Newsom and President Biden have declared this a “Natural Disaster Zone” and as we are facing yet another historical flooding event tomorrow I am sure this list will grow, unfortunately.
This comes as we try to recover from the last three years of on an off again shutdowns and ongoing financial struggles, during which we have kept the sanctuary gates open to all those in need. We have expanded our charitable outreach by hiring a Parish Nurse to help all temple members in need, and we now have a therapist who comes to the temple monthly to do health checks for all those in need.
We continue to provide sanctuary for up to 20+ people in our housing program at the temple. Here we do job training in animal care, housekeeping and catering, to name a few of our programs. Additionally, we have kept our doors open for the victims of the recent flooding event that has hit all of Northern California.
The sanctuary maintains an animal collection of over 100+ rescue animals here at our wildlife sanctuary, which we sincerely care for.
We usually get by running the retreat center, which funds our charitable missions. This is not the case as we continue trying to preserve our beautiful temple buildings and other parts of the sanctuary for future generations.
So with a humble heart and faith in the Divine Grace of Isis, The Great Mother Goddess, we are looking for your donations to help us get through this Holiday season!
The Divine Mother blesses you for your giving.
May you go in love, for love is the path of the divine mother!
Many Blessings,
Rev. Justin Howard
Spiritual Director
Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary
Donations Goal $25,000.00 Breakdown :
$25,000.00 – Sanctuary Maintenance & Building Fund
Right before this crazy flooding event, we finished a 5,000.00 dollar project where we finally redid our Historical Redwood Theater floors – this is where the Grateful Dead did the sound recordings of their hit album “Terrapin Station” – just in time for our Annual Holiday harp Concert! The donations came through our lovely clergy Rev. Anandha Ray and the Chimera Collective.